


I played this game while ago but i still remember about it with great pleasure.

This game has such a great immersing story. You are kind of forced to join the mob, and soon after you have to do all these tasks for them that will bring you this closer to death.
Here are some technical issues of the game:

1) The story - this game has a great story to it, a story that will keep you playing and wanting more - you have to blow up cars, to follow people, deliver stolen goods and so on. All in all the game's story gets 4/5 because it is a great story but it sort of lacks in originality in certain points.

2) The game play - the game play is pretty good, controlling the main character is pretty straight forward, you are able to use different weapons throughout the game, you get to drive cars in town, run from the police, place bombs, change amo. For the great game play i give this game 5/5.

3) The background music - this game has a very well thought background music which goes well with the overall feel of the game. I'll give it 5/5 for great sound.

4)The graphics - of this game are really cool considering that this game dates back to 2002. It should get 4/5 for cool graphics.

5) The time spent playing - as i remember i spent more than 20 hours on this game, but i enjoyed every minute spent on it and i felt satisfied after finishing the game.

Overall i recommend this game to any one looking for a great game to play.



Indigo Prophecy is definitely a keeper, it's a game that has all that it needs and in all the right amount so that it can make it to any pc gamer's top favorite games to play.
The game starts out really scary - you wake up in a bathroom and kill a guy you don't even know, whilst being possessed by an evil entity. The rest of the game is pretty much you trying to find out why you committed this murder and basically to clear your name. Here is where the story get's wild - you meet fortune tellers, you get a life line from a police officer that saw you at the scene of the crime, you fall in love with a police officer...and so on.
So here are the main technical facts about the game:

The Story : you are an average Joe who kills someone without being able to control himself and are then seeking help in clearing your name whilst simultaneously running from the police. The story is captivating, basically immersing you into the game, a game in which not rarely do you find yourself gasping for time to finish what you have to finish in order to continue the game...oh yeah:) fun. it gets 5/5 points because of the great story backed by the great rhythm of the game.

The Game Play: ok so here is where the game looses a few points because it is pretty difficult if you are playing this game on pc because you have to use your mouse in a new way than in ordinary point and click games - you have to follow a white line while holding down the left mouse button - it's tricky at first but you'll get the hang of it. And another thing worth mentioning is the fact that you also have to use the keyboard in a new way - using both left and right hand at the same time. it gets 2/5 points because of the difficulty most gamers have at first

The Background Music : is dramatic and well chosen for this kind of game - all in all it should get 4/5 points

Game Puzzles: the puzzles are in getting the timing right with your hands when chairs are flying at you and dark angels are chasing you:)). it gets 1/5 for game puzzles because there are basically none

Overall: This is an amazing game which you will definitley not regret playing because of the great pace and story of it, of course if you can look past the game control difficulties and the lack of in game puzzles.

I rated the game 10 out of 10 because i really like games that have a great story and rhythm to them.



Wow Post Mortem... This game sure brings back nice memories.
This is a good adventure game. It has a pretty interesting story - two Americans get decapitated in a hotel when Gus McPherson (your game character) jumps into action and investigates the murder, being hired by a mysterious beautiful young lady...and the rest is history :)
Well let's start with the:
-Gameplay: which is very basic for today's adventure point and click games, but at the time it was something new for me and i really got a kick out of playing it.
- the Background music: is pretty good, even though it kind of gets old at a point, seeing at it's played over and over again.
- The Story: is pretty interesting and can be immersing, though not a breakthrough, it's basically the investigation of the double murders that take place in the Hotel Orphe. The one thing that i really appreciated in the game is that at one point you can chose from going on one path or the other in the investigation but this is only according to how you play the game up to a certain point (you'll see;) )
- The Game Puzzles : not that many and not that difficult( ex. the one in the basement of a secret order) , even though i got stuck on one the first time i played this game (i was pretty young so give me a break :) )
- Overall : this is a game that may appeal to some adventure lovers or it may as well not because the story line is pretty straight forward, the mystery isn't that great, but if you like playing roles in times past and you like a good Agatha Christie tale i'm sure this game will appeal to you seeing as it has vague similarities.
And a tip for those who liked this game is to play Still Life which follows up sort of where Post Mortem left off (you'll see what i mean if you play the game-have fun :) )



I have to say that out of all the rpg games that i've played this is surely one of the best. Here are some reasons why i think Gothic is an amazing game:

1)The game has a really captivating storyline which is enriched by the fact that you can chose from out of 3 camps which one you chose to join(Old/New/Swamp Camp), and even if you chose one you can still visit the others and solve quests there. Of course the game is about getting out of the self created jail the magicians put together to keep in the prisoners of Korinis which point our character comes into play...
2) the game play is interesting because it was pretty well made and you also had the chance to use objects that weren't only useful in the game (guitar, broom,etc). I like how you could learn how to handle a sword, bow or crossbow from different characters whithin the game.I like the fact that you could colect various things from the animals you killed throughout the game.
3) I enjoyed being able to chose from being a magician, to a guard, mercenary, templar within the 3 camps
4)I liked how the game gave you that sense that you were in a real world because of the various characters that were in the game, some were there to help, some were out to get you. some were neutral, some pissed on walls ).
5)The video quality of the game was at the time i played it really good, in the early 200 0's
6) the background music is great, they really managed to get you even more immersed in the game
7) Overall this is a game that will blow many people's minds. It has a solid storyline, a solid gameplay, great sound, and a few bugs here and there such as being able to jump from extreme heights without dying, the possibility of going through walls sometimes.

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